Convicted Sex Offender Accused of New Sex Crimes Against a Child
A 35-year-old Gainesville, Florida convicted sex offender was arrested earlier this month and charged with two counts of sexual battery on children under the age of 12. According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the Alachua County man was designated as a sex offender several years ago.
The man’s most recent arrest stemmed from an investigation started in July after a teenager spoke to a relative about alleged events that happened between her and the man.
According to the Gainesville Sun, the man supposedly was dating the mother of the teen and living with the family when the alleged abuse occurred.
In an arrest report, a detective wrote that the woman’s son and daughter reported that from the years of 2000-04 they were each sexually battered by the accused several times. The abuse supposedly stopped after the woman ended her relationship with the man.
The man was last released from prison in February 2008. He was convicted of lewd and lascivious assault on a child and false imprisonment in 1998. Subsequently, he was convicted of failing to comply with Florida’s sex offender registration requirements.
One of the most shattering penalties of sex crime allegations is the social and professional impact the charges carry. Despite being innocent until proven guilty, an individual’s reputation often gets tarnished throughout the process, which is always difficult to rebuild. Unfortunately, the fact that this man has two prior convictions related to sex crimes will definitely bear weight on the results of his current charges. In cases like these, it is imperative to contact an aggressive and experienced Florida Sex Crimes Defense Attorney before charges are filed or as soon as an accusation has been made so proactive steps can be made towards the best possible outcome.
The Florida legislature has what is called Three Strikes Law, which like the name suggests, refers to having three criminal convictions. If a person is convicted of three criminal offenses, under this law, the person will automatically be subject to spend the rest of his or her life in prison. This law is both a state and Federal sentencing guideline that judges within the Florida legal system must abide by. Florida’s Three Strikes Law was enacted as a means to keep individuals from becoming habitual reoffenders. It is believed that if the sentencing is increased, individuals will be less likely to continue with a pattern of criminal behavior. For these reasons alone, it is vital to hire an experienced Florida Sex Crimes Defense Attorney. Foregoing the help of a defense attorney offers you little chance at avoiding life imprisonment.
The skilled and dedicated Florida Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys at Whittel & Melton can have a direct impact on the outcome of your case. By finding even the slightest error by law enforcement or even one violation of your Constitutional rights, your case could be turned around completely.
If you or someone you care for has been accused of sexual battery in the state of Florida and has prior convictions of sex crimes, contact the Florida Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys at Whittel & Melton online or call our Gainesville office at 352-264-7800 or dial us statewide and toll-free at 866-608-5529.