
Two Separate Rapes Reported At USF in Tampa

Whittel & Melton 813-221-3200 – Florida Sex Crimes Attorneys

A University of South Florida student has reported that she was raped early Sunday at Epsilon Hall, which is home to 240 freshmen.

The woman apparently told USF police that she knows the man that allegedly attacked her. The investigation is pending.

According to USF, Epsilon Hall is co-ed, with eight single sex students sharing an individual suite.

This is the second alleged instance of sexual battery reported at the university in the last three weeks.

On Sept. 19, a woman claims she was sexually battered at her residence, Kappa Hall. This is also a co-ed suite-style housing unit for freshman. She told police her alleged attacker was a stranger.

Police are further investigating both cases.

College life is filled with many challenges as well as new experiences. For some, this is their first time living on their own and away from their parents. This often brings about a heightened social life involving parties and dating, which can ultimately lead to sexual activities that may result in shame or regret afterwards leading to allegations of sexual misconduct. Even in cases where sex was consensual, the simple accusation of rape or any other serious sexual offense can leave a young student left to face unfair sex crimes charges.

Acquaintance rape, better known as date rape, centers on allegations that forcible sex occurred between two people who know each other. In a majority of date rape cases, the victim often claims that he or she was unable to willingly consent to sexual acts due to being intoxicated. However, there is a big difference between being drunk and having sex, and being forced or coerced into engaging in sexual activities. The Florida Sex Crimes Attorneys at Whittel & Melton can help you avoid prison time and mandatory registration as a sex offender by preparing a solid defense against sexual battery or date rape charges. Police and prosecutors will act quickly, so you should too.

Whether you are a student, or a parent of a student facing charges of rape or any other sex crime in the state of Florida, contact the Florida Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys at Whittel & Melton online or call our Tampa office at 813-221-3200. You can reach us anytime statewide and toll-free by dialing 866-608-5529.

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"Could never see myself using any other law firm. My case was a difficult one it was handled with perfection and extreme professionalism." R. B.
"The staff was very professional and attentive. They answered all my questions and walked me through the process step by step. I was very pleased with the outcome of my case." D.W.
"The whole staff at Whittel & Melton was nice and always ready to help. However, I worked mostly with Jason. He demonstrated that he understood what to expect with our case and better that he cared about what was happening. I was very pleased with the outcome of our case." G.S.
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